How do I message thee? let me count the waze..

Two Thirds Done

This is not my next post on predictions for 2064.  They will be coming out but not all at once.

Traveling around the world as I do really exposes me to all the ways people message each other.  I thought I would list some of those that I know, and actually have to use, since people have strong preferences – depending on age and residence.



It all started with SMS or was it Pagers

There are 3.5 billion users of SMS currently.  SMS stands for Short Messaging Service.  It supports a total of 160 characters of which 140 are visible.  Is is probably why Twitter decided to use 140 character for a tweet.  While there were some messaging capabilities in cell phones as early as 1980, SMS did not become a standard until 1985 when it was adopted as part of the GSM standard for cell phones.  In 2010…

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